Nostalgia ...

There are many different definitions to the aforementioned word used in the title of this post. I am opting to go with the one that has to do with having a positive feeling in reference to a previous time in your life. That current state of nostalgia for me would be the days when I had a

As much am I am enjoying the time I have had to work on getting myself back to a state of good physical health; I repine the additional time that I have on my hands as it is getting to be a bit much. However, I realize that I have to be patient and that the right job will come along. Besides to be realistic, I have only been looking for work for about two weeks...LMAO. The best news of all is that I have been successful in not smoking ( I have cheated a couple of times when drinking...but I rationalize that to, I am also feeling better physically than I have in well over a year. My back is feeling better than it has in several months as well. I have not had a migraine in a couple of months either!


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