Draft Day!

Yes I know...not exciting to all but for anyone that knows me I am quite the football FANatic. In fact a friend called me today and when I told her what I was doing she compared what I was doing to "watching paint dry"...LOL I would have to disagree it was quite different. Especially since I had the Sirius NFL radio feed, NFL Network, and ESPN all on. The day went well and overall I was happy with the picks that my team (Miami Dolphins) took.

Anyway I just realized that I had not posted on here in a while and I am going to try to make it a habit to do so on a more regular basis.


Determined said…
I guess it'd also be fitting to say, "Welcome back" :)
ImNoBetterThanU said…
Well, thank you!
Sorry I have never received a comment on one of my blogs before...LOL
I was unsure if anyone even knew it existed; much less read it.

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