Get Regular Exercise for Mental Health
So I realize that I
have not posted anything to my blog in a very long time. Well, as you all know
life gets in the way and the last few weeks/months I have just not been feeling
like doing much of anything above and beyond just being. My next few posts are
not original material, but I just thought I would share the information and
maybe it will help or motivate someone.
Exercise is about more than keeping in
shape. It also can help with your emotional and mental health. Exercise can
help you improve your self-esteem, keep your mind off problems, and give you a
sense of control. In general, people who are fit have less anxiety, depression,
and stress than people who are not active.
Research suggests that exercise can help
specific mental health problems. Exercise may help prevent depression from
coming back (relapse)
and improve symptoms of mild depression.1
Be safe while
you exercise
Moderate exercise is safe for most people,
but it's a good idea to talk with your doctor before increasing your activity.
Anyone age 65 or older should talk with a doctor before exercise.
· Start
slowly, and gradually increase how much you exercise.
· Stop
exercising if you have severe pain, especially chest pain, or severe problems
breathing. Talk with your doctor about these symptoms.
· People
who are likely to have high anxiety or panic may have an episode during
exercise because of the buildup of certain body chemicals (such as lactic acid)
from exercise. If you have any problems during exercise, talk with your doctor.
Tips for being
It can be hard to be active when you feel
depressed or anxious or have a mental health problem. But activity can help you
feel better, so do your best to find a way to be active. It is fine to start
with small steps. You can build up from a few minutes a day.
· Don't
overdo it. Start with simple exercises, such as walking, bicycling, swimming,
or jogging.
· Warm up
your muscles for about 5 minutes before you start exercising. To do this, you
can walk, slowly move your arms and legs, or do simple muscle stretches.
· Use the
talk-sing test to see whether you're exercising at the right pace.
If you can talk during exercise, you're doing fine.
If you can sing during exercise, you can exercise a little
faster or harder.
If you are not able to talk, you're probably exercising too
hard. Slow down a bit.
· Cool
down for 5 to 10 minutes after you exercise. It's okay to do some stretching
exercises during cool-down.
· Drink
water before, during, and after exercise.
· You can
make daily activities part of your exercise program. You can:
Walk to work or to do errands.
Push a lawn mower, rake leaves, or shovel snow.
Vacuum or sweep.
Play actively with your children, or walk the dog.
Do your
best to slowly work up to moderate activity for
at least 2½ hours a week. Moderate activity means things like brisk walking,
brisk cycling, or shooting baskets. But any activities—including daily
chores—that raise your heart rate can
be included. Find a pace that is comfortable. You can be active in blocks of 10
minutes or more throughout your day and week.
If you have problems exercising on your own,
ask someone to exercise with you or join an exercise group or health club.