LEGALISM: How thinly do you slice the apple?
So earlier today as I was checking out my feed on Google+ I ran across someone using Matthew 6:3 - 4 to be what I felt was condemning to Christians for participating in the ice bucket challenge for ALS. It also had a link attached to a blog pointing out all the things the organization does to "violate Biblical ethics". Now I agree that it is good to educate others on practices that may not align with your values and belief system, but at the same time this challenge has raised a lot of awareness and I would bet raised millions of dollars for a disease I have had ties to in my past. There is no known cure and it always leads to death. Family members have to watch their loved ones deteriorate physically while their mental awareness remains intact. It is a horrible disease. I am sure not everyone will agree with my opinion on the matter, but I think we need to be careful of being so judgmental and unwilling to do b...