Life's lacuna...(the solution)
I want to preface this post by stating that last Tuesday was a ministry night for leaders and emergin leaders within the church. During that time Alan Smith had an amazing word for me that spoke directly to my heart at just the right time in my life. It gave me a new perspective on life in general and has been yet another turning point in my life that I can add to all the great advances that are occurring in my life over the last couple of years.
Memorial Day Weekend, this used to be one of my favorite weekends because there were plenty of parties. For me this weekend consisted of ingesting drugs, alcohol, and likely times of being sexually immoral...oftentimes with multiple partners (or the same numerous times). Sounds fun right? Wrong!
None of it was ever enough. Tuesday (if I even made it in that day) I would drag myself into work feeling as though Mike Tyson had his way with me in the ring. All for what? To go out again Tuesday night after work to try to fill the glaring lacuna in my life with more drugs or alcohol? A lot of the aforementioned actions have become common actions in our society and are now considered to be a part of life. It all saddens me. To top it all off these actions are slowly destroying our bodies. Not to say a healthy lifestyle does not wear on these temporary physical beings we inhabit. But, why would we want to speed the process or even increase those effects exponentially?
This weekend the only parties I have been to were filled with worship. By surrendering in this manner I allow God to increase in my life. This has been a truly fulfilling weekend thus far without the use of drugs, alcohol, or sex. Worshiping Adonai the King of all Kings. It started out yesterday with Kari Jobe leading worship and I have to tell you the presence of the Holy Spirit was so thick in that place I had an intimate encounter with our mighty creator!
After church I went to a park in Grapevine where we celebrated a going away party for a friend of mine that has been called to go to the Philippines. It was a great time of fellowship where I met several other great people and some of those connections may very well turn into life long friendships. God is great how he brings people together in such ways. We finished off the evening with a few hours of worship. During that time we sang a song that included lyrics about increasing God and decreasing me. Again I had an incredible encounter with our God!
This morning I woke up exhausted, but not like the days of drunken debauchery and partying like there is no tomorrow ingesting toxins of all kinds into my body. No this time was different. It was an exhaustion that felt like freedom. I do not know how to put this into words so I would not expect anyone that has not had a personal encounter with God to understand. Well, let me put it this way...
as soon as I finish this post I will be going to play football with friends...does sound like a hungover, painful exhaustion/ I did not think so. I digress...anyway I woke up and began to speak confessions over my son Andrew for protection and abundant living. Listening to more praise music and yet again had an encounter that made the room thick!
What is the point of this post?
Increase God...Decrease yourself...Encounter God...