False presupposition...

Do you ever find yourself boasting about future events? Yeah me too. Should we? Absolutely not. Should we faithfully plan for a better tomorrow for ourselves, our family, and friends? Absolutely. We should simply do so in humility, faith, and with much gratitude.

The reason I write this is; what if you sustain a fatal bite from a viper? I know what some of you may be saying...there are no vipers around me. Well more specifically it was a highly venomous snake that sank its fangs deep into his flesh and injected a fatal amount of poison. What did Paul do? He shook it off. Will you do the same if this occurred?

Could your viper be a devastating tornado, drunk driver hitting you, or heart failure? Let's even tone it down a notch. What if your viper is losing your job, losing your home, losing your significant other...
Will you allow that circumstance to gain control of your life or will you remain steadfast in thanking our Father for His inherent goodness?

My intention here is not to be pessimistic, but rather realistic. Ultimately we have no control of life; we exist within God's eternal plan. For example, maybe you heard about the horrific accident that the New York Giants draft pick was involved in today. He was a football and baseball star at LSU. He had previously been drafted into Major League Baseball and turned it down to pursue a football career. Two weeks ago he signed his contract after being drafted in the third round in Aprils NFL draft. Less than 48 hours from now he was going to be attending the 2010 rookie symposium and begin his life as a professional football player. Then today he almost lost his leg to amputation. Now the outcome will rely on his reaction to the circumstances.

If or when the viper bites you, will you shake it off and move forward in life with faith and joy or will you allow the poison to seep into your veins and kill you off?


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