I know it is daunting...

Have you ever been faced with the daunting task of restoring something that is old, rundown, falling apart? Something that is in the poorest condition after years of abuse and being misused? Was it discouraging just thinking about it? I can relate. Sometimes we never complete the task...maybe we never even start the task.

Well, I am here to talk about something that was abused, mistreated, malnourished, etc. All of this went on for well over a decade. Can you imagine the condition of something after more than ten years of this? How do you view that looking, feeling, projecting to others?

You know what that something is? My soul...

For years sexual immorality, drugs, alcohol, gossip, slander, manipulation, tearing others down, making fun, etc. These are the things I was doing and/or exposed to for over ten years. The very thing that is a gift to us all I abused. I filled it with lust, lasciviousness, envying, revellings, etc. Corrupting my soul to the point of disgust...

However, you know what? There is someone that took on the task of restoring my soul. No band aids, no layers of paint to cover it up....true and actual restoration. That is amazing! Where I am today is amazing. In fact I am lucky to not be dead. There were times in my past where I mixed three or more drugs together of which just one has killed individuals in the past. There were times when my sexual immorality was that of epic proportion that would disgust most anyone...you know what? None of that matters. I have been restored.

God is amazing and mighty to love us all so much that our sin can not compare to His grace and mercy.


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