Oneness Weekend...


     This last Friday evening and then Saturday we had a conference at my church entitled "oneness Weekend". At first glance many may believe this to be a marriage conference. It was not...or was it? We are called to be the bride of Christ and I can assure you after this last weekend I feel closer and deeper in relationship with Him than I did when I awakened Friday morning.

     This all began Friday evening when J.T. Mlinarcik Began by giving a highly detailed medical account of what Christ went though on that bloody Sunday more than 2,000 years ago. By hearing it laid out by a medical professional it makes it all more tangible than just a story in a book. I have always known that it was much more brutal an experience than ever depicted by any movie or photo I have seen, but it still brings it to a new life.

     All of this led me to realize that I could definitely suffer more for His glory. I am no different than most Americans where I can find myself whimpering and whining over the most pathetic "troubles" I run across. I truly believe it is time I go on another mission trip to witness first hand true struggles on this earth. We take so much for granted and even in my awareness of true troubles in this world I fall into the trap of thinking I have it rough.

     Later in the evening I found a new perspective on things about heaven. Duncan Smith enlightened me that if I put all of my hope in heaven then I am putting all my hope in something temporary. Revelation 21:1 clearly tell us there will be a new heaven and earth. It also says the sea will seize to exist...OH NO! I love the beaches! HAHA On a more serious note, I am certain it will result in something much greater! I digress...

     Just as I have become one with Christ the heavens and the earth will be come one creating the new heavens!

     Other things the Lord spoke to me this past weekend were soft, almost silent, reminders that He has given me a warrior Spirit. I just need confidence going into battle, much like the confidence of Ragnar Lodbrok. He was true warrior and legendary Norse ruler in the Viking ages. He was wise in that he thought things through well before going into battle. He was patient yet he progressed through live with an incredible boldness. He was curious and open-minded to new discoveries. I feel I can be of the same stature in the Lord's army by being bold and using Spirit led discernment.

     Those are but a few of the things I received this last weekend. Many of them I am still processing. Especially an overwhelming amount of revelation having to do with fatherhood. Both in my relationship with my earthly father and and with my amazing and incredible son Andrew. Thank God for working that relationship because it has been difficult to say the least for me.

     Anyway enough of my thinking out loud for now. I need to go back and mediate and continue processing much of what I experienced, heard, and received over the last two days.


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