Are you prepared for a harmonious future?

Have you truly let the past go? 

It is highly important that you be honest with yourself. If you are dragging dead weight from your past it will greatly hinder you from reaching what is ahead of you for this new year and the rest of your life. 

If you have issues with other people that are unresolved you need to take care of those immediately. I said immediately! Do not write yourself a note and consider doing it when you have time. Drop what you are doing (which at this time is reading my blog! HAHA I gotcha) and call or go see that individual and make things right. The scripture tells us to not let the sun go down on our anger in Ephesians 4:26. How many times has the sun set while you were still angry or had some unresolved issues with someone? 

Now if you say you passed that portion of the survey then let us move on to YOU! Have you forgiven yourself for your errors of the past? I mean have you really let it all go so that you can be who God designed you to be and use the gifts He has given you to impact those around you for the Kingdom!? You need to reconcile with God, because He reconciled with you 2010 years ago on a cross. What He did on that day was put all the issues (past, present, and future) behind you and He expects you to come to Him so you can face the future together. God's mercy and grace are new every morning as a result of  Jesus dying on the cross. Every morning when we awaken God declares us righteous, justified, and forgiven. It is as though we never sinned. Do you receive that?



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