Walk it out...

    Recently I spent an entire month reading 1 John 1 through 3 John 1:15 every day. I also now put the books/chapters I am reading each month on my iPod and have them play on repeat while I sleep. In typical Jeremy fashion, I digress...

     Some of my favorite verses out of those three books are 1 John 1:5-7. Oftentimes I think we read through the bible just as you do the newspaper or a magazine article. The thing is all scripture is God breathed and is living! So what do these verses mean?

     I believe they are talking about our lives when no one else is looking. Or the way we live with our circle of friends when not in public view. If you live differently at these times you are walking in darkness; hiding from the light. This is why it is so important for us to be careful of who we spend majority of our time with. Am I saying we should only hang around other Christians all the time? Absolutely not. It is the great commission to go out and spread the gospel and love others. However, you do have to be conscience of the time spent and how it is affecting us. Are we affecting them or are they infecting us?

     If you have been walking in darkness the great news is confession and repentance is all you have to do to turn it all around and begin walking in the light.


Anonymous said…
Thank you for posting this. It is important to be aware of who we spend the majority of our time with. Many people say "You can learn a lot about someone from the type of company they keep". After reading this I want to evaluate my circle of friends to be sure I am being influenced positively. I also want to make a greater effort to answer the call of the great commission.
Jim Peoples said…
Hey, Jeremy! Did you have YouVersion on your phone? I use it as a reading plan (though I prefer just pulling out my bible). You can set it for reading through the bible in one year, or have multiple plans. It's also nice as a search option for verses.

Thanks for this post. I appreciate the transparency. You're very encouraging.
ImNoBetterThanU said…
Yes sir I do have YouVersion! I too prefer my Bible. Thank you for reading and commenting Jim.

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