
You know that moment you discover you have been lied to? Betrayed?
Hurts doesn't it?


ImNoBetterThanU said…
Did I mention it hurts? MY heart aches.
Oh Lord give me strength.
Amy said…
I've had a lot of fun with betrayal. I'd encourage you not to allow it to build walls around your heart. Just be careful who you let that far in.

I felt a burden for you last night and tried to intercede well, as we were just taught. :)

I have no idea what you're going through, but I am praying for you.
ImNoBetterThanU said…
Please keep praying Amy!

I had a scary moment at work today. Some things happened and I was thinking and it triggered a memory of a dream I had several months ago. De Ja Vu kind of things. I do NOT want this dream to come to fruition.
Amy said…
Along what lines? Never mind...It's funny - I feel like I need to know all the details, but He knows and that's all that matters.

I've made it a point to pray for His will, even if it means I (or you, in this case...) don't particularly like it at the moment.

Sounds like you're not sleeping well, and you're not doing well. Keep your eyes and your heart where they need to be! He may want you to be His for a while longer...and that's a beautiful thing. (Revisit my blog called Lay It Down to see what He showed me through a hard time a couple months ago)

You have my number if you ever need to call. I'm kid-free tonight and could talk. Either way, I will keep you in my prayers. :)

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