Incarceration... (Part one)

     Have you reached a point where you feel you have finally reached true freedom and healing from past hurts and heartache? You feel healthy to the point you can move forward in life carrying love, joy, strength, and courage...spreading it to all within your circle of influence. I was there. Then God moved me into a new season, brought new people into my life, and led to other relationships ending or becoming less prevalent. Through all this new insecurities are surfaced. The hurt...the pain leads me right back into responding in ways which are unloving. My feelings get hurt and I do not know exactly where it comes from. The worst part is the people witnessing my actions or being involved in them truly had absolutely nothing to do with these insecurities thus unjustly being affected by them. While awaiting the pain and time of this surgery removing the roots of my issues I feel as though I am incarcerated.

     Maybe, just maybe it is where I need to be right now...

     Either way I pray for deliverance ad the song below exhibits my prayer during this time. 


Amy said…
Brother, I don't know what you've been going through the past couple months, but I miss your light.

I went through The Journey this month, and one of my strongest gifts is I will attempt to incite and encourage you today. :) Your strength represents way more than you may be aware of to those of us who know you, or know of you. Please stay strong, J.

If you get a chance, check out my new blog. I moved it because I kept losing followers, and eventually got locked out myself!

Hugs and prayers,

ImNoBetterThanU said…
Thank you Amy!

Of course I am following your blog, even since you moved it.

I just saw you have a new post. I will read it in a few :)

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