Paradoxical sleep...

WOW! What can I say? Last night I went to sleep somewhere between 11:00 and 11:30 PM. At approximately 3:00 AM I was awakened and realized I had a strong urge to use the I did. I then returned to bed as most individuals do at such a ridiculous time on a Saturday morning. Well, I could not get back to sleep. I continued to lie in bed with my eyes closed in total relaxation...

After about 45 minutes I finally realized that I was awake. So I figured I would get online and clean out my inbox since it had not been done since Monday. Added an entry to one of my other blogs with some comic relief. Then off to the gym I went around 5:30. I had a great workout that extended itself into the seventh hour of the day.

At this time you might be asking me how I came up with the title of this entry....bear with me here folks.

I was going to go to breakfast but for some reason I decided half way to my destination to come back home. Upon arrival I thought I would get back online. It was then that I became overwhelmingly tired. SO I went to lie down on the bed; right on top of the comforter and all. I dosed off for a while. Within a few minutes I got back up, turned off the light, and got cozy under the covers. At some point beyond 8:00 AM is when things got weird...

Whereas I have no idea how time works when in REM sleep I could not tell you the time but, I began to dream. Several (completely random) people from my church and one former co worker were all at the 24 Hour Fitness in a back room where I arrived for a home group. [Home group, for those that do not know, is just what my church uses to describe when groups fellowship outside of the church. It could be bible study, just hanging out, etc.] I come in being my usual social self saying my hellos, likely disrupting what they had going prior to my arrival (sorry)...I digress...

Next thing I know after some good times and fun conversation I go to leave. In the parking lot I find that my Toyota Camry that I drive had been broken into and badly vandalized. Initially I am ascetic; until further review. As I look over everything I begin to experience an array of emotions as most anyone would from such a hostile attack on ones personal property and belongings. I get into the car and then realize I need to call the police so I get back out shut the door and work on making sure everything is as it was when I discovered this atrocity. At this time a pick up truck pulls up and a shirtless man (looking as though high as a kite on meth-amphetamines) pulls up and tells me "I saw the guy, he was the one in the hat with the guys in gold".


He steps out of the truck and moves in closely, "I saw him...I know who it was."

"Well give me a pen and paper so i can write this down."

He halfway gets back into his truck and fumbles around until he finds a pad of paper and a pencil. The pad of paper was pink and unopened. That struck some curiosity in my part but I opened it and was ready to write. The man was getting uncomfortably close to me as though he was trying to dry hump my leg. I backed away and turned around to find my Camry had turned into a Budget rental truck!

(WTF is going on you ask? I have no idea.)

I can see that everything was taken except my college books and papers that I wrote. I then go back into the gym for assistance. Then things get foggy...I do not ever remember getting assistance and I then woke up. Now here I am writing about it. One of the even more significant things about this is that I rarely ever remember a dream. I sure wish I could interpret them.

Oh well...thanks for reading I am off to begin my day. I have a ton of chores to do. Maybe I should go by my storage today as well...


Determined said…
Dreams are very weird. But this post read like a very good novel!
ImNoBetterThanU said…
Well thank you Sol! That is the best comment/compliment I have ever received from any blog.
Jon said…
Dude your vandalized car turned into a budget rental truck? That clearly means it's time to by a porsche. god's will.
ImNoBetterThanU said…

Clearly that is what it was saying. How could I have been so blind! Thank you BHJ...LOL
Meg Kelso said…
LOLOLOLOL, I wish I could remember my dreams with such detail! (Especially those sex dreams!)

OK, it's Sunday so I'm going to go camping in front of my television.


Oh crap, look at that captcha, why do they need so MANY letters! I'm too old for this!
ImNoBetterThanU said…
I typically do not remember my dreams; that is why I jumped up and wrote this post immediately after waking up.

And yes...Google is beginning to get out of control with the captcha...
Your awesomeness was featured on BS Sunday on the Houston Chronicle Online:

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