Ad infinitum...

      Many decisions we make have an eternal impact upon our lives and the lives of our children (our legacy) whether good or bad.

     Making a decision is a cognitive process which results in a choice.  Progression in life (maturity and growth) is directly correlated with our daily choices. Our choices also control our attitudes which impacts our behaviors. Our choices also impact those in our lives. I have just gone through a season of making poor choices. Falling victim to temptation in areas I had previously conquered. Self condemnation is an easy thing to fall victim of after these setbacks, as well as guilt of how we affected others as a result of our sin. I myself was falling into both pits when God, through friends of mine, reminded me of His loving grace.

     I have a wretched past full of addiction (both sexual and drugs) I would not even say I struggled with it. Because for years I was intentionally and habitually partaking in these activities on a daily basis. Thank the Lord for grace and mercy and His blood which can wipe that all clean in one moment. The most difficult part of it all is accepting the forgiveness and leaving the past behind us. The whole point of the cross is that when we approach the altar, confess, and pray we are to leave what we released to him at the altar. Do not walk away continuing to hold on to it. He came to earth in the most vulnerable scenario, as a child to allow us eternal freedom.

     Aside from my desire to please God my greatest motivation to make good choices is my son Andrew. Being that the choices I make have the eternal impact on my legacy I want to make the right choices and in doing so build a house of greatness to leave behind for him. Whereas I would love to leave behind nice things I am speaking more in the Spiritual realm. I want to build a house whose foundation is strong. Something he can be proud of. One that encourages him to be a great brother, son, husband, friend, employee, etc. Although I have failed in the past I have today, tomorrow, and the next day to make the correct choices. In doing so I hope and pray he does not make all the bad choices I have made in life. 

     Everyday is a new opportunity for correct choices. So I do not know what your thoughts on the subject are, but I would prefer to not repeat the same mistakes over and over again (although I have more times than I would like to mention).
     I digress...
The point is that every moment of every day and especially every new day you can awaken and make the choice to make better choices.   


     Now what choices will you make?

     Ad infinitum...


Amy said…
Great post, Jeremy.

Like you, I have struggled with, and by the grace of God have conquered, similar addictions. I thank God every day for my children, who motivated me to look beyond myself and the trap of instant gratification, to break the cycle in every area of bondage, for their sake.

Tom Lane said something at church once that has stuck with me for months: "The purity of a beginning is essential." He was referring to the start of the church, but it is so true in every area of life. I pray that purity over our children, our relationships, our futures.
ImNoBetterThanU said…
God definitely speaks through children in a multitude of ways. Maybe another reason I have such a passion working with youth.

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