Incomprehensible governance...

this was supposed to be the post where I completely condemned the Commonwealth of Virginia. Just so as to not leave you all hanging I will make it short and concise. My ex-girlfriend/fiancée (whom I will call Ms. L) has three beautiful and amazing children. Those three children have a prick of a father. He has repeatedly been in trouble for abuse and Child Protective Services (CPS) has been involved in addition to the police and court system. Yet the guy continues to have his partial custody rights. You read it right...he has the children every weekend; with exception of the second weekend of the month. How is this? It makes ZERO sense to me. Anyway...last weekend it evidentially happened again. Whereas I have not seen the police report; this is what I heard. Their father got angry , lifted one of this six year old boys up by the throat, pushed him back into the wall (breaking the drywall)...while doing so he hot the curtains and the curtain rod fell to the ground. He then pucked up the curtain rod and began hitting his son with it. Now that is what I heard...these are the facts I know of. The police went and arrested him, he spent time in jail before being bailed out by his attorney, he also then tried to go pull the children (twin boys and a daughter) out of school. Fortunately Ms. L has a great rapport with the office manager at their school and she called Ms. L to notify her of this. Ms. L then hastily left work and went to sign the children out. Anyway...the rest of this banter is irrelevant. My question is this...
Will the stupid state of Virginia finally do something about all of this? How is it that a government can allow this sort of thing to go on. Ms. L has even tried to get the children out of the weekends with him for years but the courts would say that he had rights???!!! I can not say much more...I am outraged and it makes me wonder how many other similar cases are going on in the great Commonwealth of Virginia. I can tell you this...if that were to occur in California, Oklahoma, or Texas (the only three states I have lived in for an extended amount of time) he would have zero rights when it came to the children. Well, I have to stop here I need to calm myself back down.


Anonymous said…
Child custody and state agencies overseeing these cases are so annoying and flat out wrong in my opinion with the way they deal with situations like this. I am so sorry to hear the story you told, it infuriates me, to no end. Has he ever been taken back to court to review and/or revoke his court orders concerning visitations since this started occuring? I think that may be the only solution. Obviously, there should be well documented proof of the abuse and trauma these children have had to endure. With documentation of these activities, police reports, and CPS investigation records in hand-this should (no guarantees, of course) be proof enough to a judge that something should be changed in the current situation. I know from my experience with the Texas Attorney General's office that you can request a review of your case every three years at no cost to you. They will also represent you in court, instead of you having to hire an attorney. Just a suggestion, although I'm sure she has already done everything possible in Va to remedy the situation. I hope something changes because I've always been told that the mother's rights and father's rights are just that, they are rights-no matter what else is going on. If I do not allow the child to go with her father for scheduled visitation I am considered to be in contempt of court. Likewise, if the father doesn't pay child support, he is in contempt of court and will eventually have to repay the debt including interest. I have also always been told that there is no acceptable reason to alter the court ordered documents without first going back to court and having a judge modify those court orders. Wish her and the children good luck~what a tragic way to deal with an already unfortunate situation. Doesn't he realize his children already are the ones suffering-no, wait. He probably doesn't think much about anyone except himself. I will pray for good things to happen for this family. When we can all get along the kids reap tremendous benefits, even if we don't live together. My situation isn't the best, but my daughter knows love from both families she is a part of. Don't get me wrong-it was a long time coming and many times I just prayed real hard and then had to wait for the other party to grow up, mature, and think about the ramifications. Luckily, he finally did both and figured out what was best for our little girl-who isn't so little anymore. She is a teenager now~agghh, I'm getting old. Lol

Have a great day. I am glad your new job is going well-talk/type to you later!


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