What do the Anaheim Angels and HIV/AIDS have in common?

I can tell you...the annaul Orange County AIDS Walk will beheld at Angel's Stadium. Whereas I will not allow this blog to become a place that no one wants to come to I felt compelled to throw this out there and see if it sticks. My Uncle will be walking for the eight year in a row for the cause. Below I will copy and paste the message that he sent me. If you feel you can, or even want to donate you can! Any amount no matter how big or small; and they are tax deductible. To be completely honest...the reason I am posting this here is that due to my recent move and time of unemployment; I will be donating a very small amount ($10 - $20) so I thought maybe some of my friends (or readers of my blog since none of my friends do...lol) could maybe help out as well. Below is the message form my uncle!

"I am doing something really important to help other people, and I am writing to ask for your help. On Saturday, May 10th, I am walking at Orange County AIDS Walk 2008. Click on the link below to view my personal AIDS Walk webpage and sponsor my participation. While visiting my webpage, don't forget to sign my online Guest Book as I would love to hear from you!


Any amount is truly appreciated and it is easy and secure to do... just follow the directions once you click on the link to my webpage."


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